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Mac For Music Production

I will try to be as un-biased as possible in this article, but I will still share my own opinion about the mac vs windows issue.

The never ending debate, what system is best to use for music production or creative production? Depending on who you are asking you will get different answers.

The simplest answer is, buy the system you are most comfortable with, and the system that works with your DAW. However the answer isn’t always that simple, and I will try to outline some of the differences between both systems so you can make your own decision on what to choose.

If you want to use logic, you don’t have a choice, a Mac is the way to go for you. Other DAWs however, like Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Cubase, Reason, Bitwig and now even FL Studio is multi platform. This means you can use it on Windows, or macOS.

They work on both systems.

I've been tasked by a friend to put together a basic music production setup (computer/interface). He's going to be making very basic recordings by himself and possibly with friends. Using a DAW excites him because he wants to layer instruments without worrying about a limited number of tracks. The iMac Pro is a multi-purpose Mac like for music production, video editing, VR, 3D, or 2D design work. In addition to having SB 3 ports, this Mac has 4 USB-C – maybe connect an external SSD drive. This iMac Pro has higher-bandwidth connectivity and advanced graphics technologies that will enhance your music production on this desktop computer. If you buy a Mac, you have everything you need to start up with music production right out the box. You don’t have to buy any software in addition to that to get started. Macs have often been the computer of choice in creative industries, and they are known for its stability and ease of use. The desktop iMac is also a good choice for music production The “classic” iMac is the machine where you pay the least Apple tax. If you choose a PC with the same specs and a monitor, you will probably the same. The iMac desktop has a screen included in contrast to the Mac Mini.

You may have been told that Macs are best for music production. I don’t have any scientific numbers to back that claim up. But it is true that at least in the 90-ies Macs mostly occupied music studios around the world. They still do today in professional studios.

This article however, is not really for you that works in a professional music studio. You already know what tools you have to use to get your invoices paid. This article is more geared towards the hobby producer. Or semi-professional. Animal crossing new leaf for mac.

Why choose chose a Mac?

As I mentioned earlier, if you want to use Logic you have to get a Mac. You also have Garageband which is free. Its a stripped down version of Logic. Any GarageBand project you make can be opened in Logic if you decide to upgrade later on.

If you buy a Mac, you have everything you need to start up with music production right out the box. You don’t have to buy any software in addition to that to get started.
Macs have often been the computer of choice in creative industries, and they are known for its stability and ease of use. If you need to work with others it is a high probability that they use a Mac as well.

When you get a Mac most of the system is ready to go from the box. You may have to install some plugins yourself and connect an audio interface. Most of the time this process is painless and you are ready to go fast.

Macs are generally more expensive than its PC counterpart, but with a Mac you get the complete package with quality materials and excellent build quality. Many people agree that this is worth paying extra for.

macOS is considered to be a stable and excellent operating system. It is perfect for audio work with its stable and proven Core Audio system.

Macs also tend to get less viruses and malware, although it exist but its much less of a problem compared to Windows.

If ease of use, a stable OS, painless connectivity and build quality is important for you. A Mac may be the way to go if your budget allows it.

Why choose a PC?

A PC is cheaper, you get more raw performance out of your system for less money spent.

A PC is upgradeable, a Mac nowadays isn’t.

A few years ago, you could buy a lower specced Mac and upgrade some of its parts later on. This saved you some upfront costs. You could upgrade the RAM, or when your hard drive filled up with time it was possible to replace it with a bigger one. Or an SSD.

Mac men love mystery. Nowadays when you buy a Mac, you have to get the correct specifications when you order it, its more or less impossible to upgrade it afterwards. Although todays Macs look good, have excellent build quality, and it feels like a tank. Its impossible to upgrade them.

Everything is soldered on the motherboards, even the hard drive / SSD, and memory.

With a PC, you can start out cheap and add or upgrade the hardware later down the line. You don’t have to go out and buy a completely new system from scratch to upgrade your RAM, hard-drive, CPU, display, etc.

With a PC you can decide for yourself whats more important for you. Do you want to game on your system during some downtime? Great, get a decent GPU and gaming is very much possible.

Doing this, may require that you know a thing or two about computers. But building your own computer isn’t that hard and nowadays there are plenty of youtube videos of PC building for beginners.

What do I use?

I use a Windows PC for most of my production. The biggest reason for this is because I need the raw CPU power for many of my projects. Many projects use a lot of soft-synths, which are CPU heavy with their unison / detune. Getting a Mac with a good CPU is possible, but its extremely expensive and I can’t justify the costs of that right now.

Also I do some occasional gaming and its just better to play World of Warcraft on a PC.

I also record videos of music production, doing screen recording and playing back a project in real time on a Mac would require me to buy a highly specced out system and thats economical suicide for me at the moment.

I need to be able to swap out my hard drive when it fills up without having to buy a new computer, or hang a dongle on the outside of my computer. I want to be able to upgrade my memory without having to replace the entire motherboard.

At some time, I may want to use Macs again for music production. Mostly because I like their os and ecosystem. But how the roadmap looks like now. It just isn’t possible for me.

Best Mac For Music Production

In closing: I cant tell you what to buy. Thats a decision you have to do yourself. https://bestjfiles480.weebly.com/fotojet-designer-1-1-6-download-free.html. I hope this article helped you in some way and good luck with your music production!

With the dawn of home-based producers, or what some people call “bedroom producers”, many aspiring composers and DJs are looking for ways to set up their own music hive. Online stage plot creator.

Most of them start with laptops or desktop PCs and work their way up to upgrade from mouse and keyboard sequencing to using MIDI keyboards, mixers and so forth.

A big question that comes up amongst music producers is if you can us an iMac, which is regarded as a consumer product, for heavy audio production.

In this article, we are going to break down the iMac’s specifications and if it qualifies as a reliable computer for music production.

Are iMacs powerful enough for music production?

Generally speaking, all iMacs come with 8 gig of RAM, which should be enough for any producer to get their hands on.

The number of tracks, audio files and effects that can be produced in a song, especially if you are working with a lot of automations and you need to fully-master every bit of sound in your song, can also define how much CPU you need, and how big of a screen you need to check everything in place.

What Is The Best Mac For Music Production

This is why some producers have already resorted to getting an iMac for their music production not just because of the big screen, but also the heavy processing power that can cater big DAWs.

Best mac for producing music

Running low on hard drive space can also take its toll on your production power and make you run low on CPU, so most producers get an external hard drive that includes all audio files of their projects, or divide the hard drive into partitions.

For music production, SSD, or solid state drives, are ideal. They make your computer boot in a fraction of the time that it would normally take. It also makes your programs load faster. The only downside to SSD hard drives is that they are more expensive.

Which iMac should you go with?

Mac For Music Production

There are various iMac models to choose from that have screen sizes from 21.5 inches to 27 inches.

The Mac you choose depends on your preference(your DAW’s CPU needs), budget and most importantly your working space. Apple products are usually expensive so you should take your time deciding which Mac is best suited for you.

I’d recommend getting an iMac with quad-core or higher. The entry-level iMac is dual-core with 1.4GHz of processing power. For a little bit more, you can get an iMac with twice the hard drive space and almost twice the processing power. Adobe premiere pro cc 2017 11 1 2.

iMac vs. Mac Mini (for music production)

Marvel vs capcom 2 chd mame. When buying a Mac, most people either go with a Mac Mini or an iMac.

If you want to save cash, you can go for the Mac Mini. The Mac Mini just tends to be less upgradable. Then again, if you already have a previous desktop computer or even an HDTV at home or on your working space, getting a Mac Mini will save you a couple hundred bucks. Much like desktop PCs, you can upgrade their RAM as you wish depending on your production needs and how much your budget can afford.

Despite the big cash that you’ll need for the iMac, some producers would stick to their guns because they know they can’t run their DAWs and audio plugins as smoothly as in a Mac Mini, but hey, it’s up to the producer, right?

Not everyone uses high-quality and heavy VSTs and might be more into recording from real instruments instead. If you run a lightweight production set up, it won’t be necessary spending an extra $1000+ on a more powerful Mac.

An iMac is a great choice because it provides you with great CPU power, specifications and an extremely high build quality. However, not everyone can afford an iMac and if you are a “bedroom producer”, getting might be enough to serve your purposes.

Nonetheless, both computers are excellent choices when it comes to music production. The Macs of today are more powerful than they have ever been.

Final Notes:

So, do you still think an iMac is nothing but a product built for average consumers?

No way!

The entry-level iMac comes jam packed with 8GB of ram. Memory is easily upgradable on a Mac and can dramatically improve your computer’s speed.

An iMac is a perfect choice for music production!

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